Yellowstone National Park: A Nature’s Wonder

Established in the year 1872, Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the world. Located in Wyoming, United States, this beautiful national park is famous for its diverse flora and fauna and also for its geothermal features.

Yellowstone National Park
Image: Getty Images

Here are some tourist attractions of Yellowstone National Park

  • Old Faithful geyser

Old Faithful is a natural geyser in Yellowstone National Park which erupts water in every 35-120 minutes and shoots up to 185 feet above the ground level. Tourists can enjoy this amazing natural wonder from a view point which is a short walk away from the geyser itself. Apart from the Old Faithful, there are some other natural hot springs, geysers and steam vents in the Yellowstone National Park. Such natural phenomenon is the result of the location of the park, which is situated at the top of a supervolcano.

  • Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone National Park

This is the first large canyon on the Yellowstone River downstream from the Yellowstone falls in the Yellowstone National Park. The canyon is approximately 24 miles long with a depth varying from 800 to 1200 ft. Hiking trails near the canyon allow tourists to get a closer look of the canyon and its waterfalls including the Upper falls and the Lower falls.

  • Mammal species of the Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is the home to many mammal species including Grizzly Bear, Wolves, Bisons, elk and Moose. You may spot them while driving through the park.

  • Flora of Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park
Image: Getty Images

Yellowstone National Park is the home to over 1000 species of plants which includes trees, shrubs, and flowering plants. Because of the geothermal atmosphere of the park, some plants are endemic to this region only. Some of the common trees of Yellowstone are lodgepole pine, Douglas fir and quaking aspen. In addition to the native plant species of Yellowstone, some plants are introduced to the park and these have become the integral parts of the park’s ecosystem.

  • Historic sites and buildings in the Yellowstone National park

Apart from its natural beauties and attractions, the Yellowstone National Park has a number historic sites and buildings that are worth visiting. The Old Faithful Inn is one such historic lodge which was built in the year 1903. In Lamar Buffalo Ranch you will get to know the park’s efforts in restore the Bison populations.

What to do in the Yellowstone National Park

  • You can explore the beauty of the National Park by taking a scenic car ride through the park. This allows you to enjoy the beauty of the landscape and wildlife of the park from the comfort of your car.
  • If you are an adventure enthusiast, there are several hiking trails of different length and different levels of difficulty. These hiking trails would take you through the beautiful forests and breathtaking vistas of the National Park.
  • Yellowstone National Park is located at a high altitude with some places having elevation of over 8000 ft. above sea level. Temperature of such high-altitude places may change quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to the visitors to be prepared for both warm and cold temperature on a single day.


Yellowstone National Park is one of the most amazing destinations in the world. Its century long heritage attracts thousands of tourists every year. With its stunning landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, this National Park is one of the must-see destinations for the nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. The geothermal feature of the Yellowstone National Park also makes it a unique place to be visited.

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