What should you do at High Altitude

Beautiful hill stations are normally located at a very high elevation from the sea level. Such places are full of natural beauties. Many tourists love to visit such high-altitude places in vacations. Since the oxygen level goes down as you go higher with altitude, you may have multiple health issues due to lack of sufficient oxygen at such places. Therefore, you should follow some precautions while visiting such places. These are some tips and tricks about what should you do at high altitude.

What Should You Do at High Altitude
What Should You Do at High Altitude

What should you DO

1. Acclimatize

It is very important to acclimatize your body with the altitude. If you are visiting a place of very high altitude (more than 10000 ft above sea level), it is advisable to take a halt of at least one night at a lower altitude. You should not travel from a normal altitude (1000-2000 ft) up to 10000 ft. above sea level on a single day. If it is not possible to take a halt of one night on the way, take a rest of at least 2-3 hours just after reaching the place. This will help your body to acclimatize with the altitude and to avoid altitude related sicknesses.

2. Stay hydrated

Consume plenty of water while visiting a place of higher altitude. Carry minimum 2 ltrs. of lukewarm water with you and take a sip at regular intervals. This will help you to be hydrated and to avoid altitude sickness.

3. Keep calm

After reaching the place, never be hurried. Keep calm and take a baby leap. If you get overexerted, you may have suffocated due to paucity of oxygen.

4. Know the symptoms of altitude sickness

Before visiting a place of high altitude, study and research about the symptoms that may occur at a high altitude. This will help you to avoid any unwanted health related complications at such places.

5. Consult your doctor prior to visiting a place of high altitude

There are some medicines that may prevent the high-altitude sickness. Therefore, consult your doctor prior visiting such places. Carry necessary medicines as per advice of your doctor.

6. Eat healthy and take proper rest

Eating healthy food and taking sufficient rest is very much necessary while visiting a place of high altitude. A balanced diet and sufficient rest will make you healthy to fight with any symptoms at high elevations.

7. Know the local emergency health services

Try to gather information of the local health services of the area for any emergency need, prior visiting a place of high altitude.

8. Protect yourself from sun

High altitude areas are normally closer to the sun in comparison with the other places. Such areas are known for stronger sun. Therefore, it is important to wear full sleeves and use proper sunscreen. Wear a hat to protect your face from the strong rays of sun.

9. Wear layers

Normally high altitude places are very cold with a temperature range of 100C to -100C. But the weather of such places is unpredictable. Therefore, always wear in layers so that you can remove one or two layers if necessary.

What Should You Do at High Altitude
What Should You Do at High Altitude


What should not you do

1. Avoid using alcohol and tobacco

Always avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco at the places of high altitudes. This will impair your body’s ability to acclimatize with the altitude level.

2. Don’t smoke

Never ever smoke at a place of high altitude. You may have breathing problems due to lower level of oxygen at such places.

3. Avoid overexertion

Always be relaxed while visiting the places of high altitude. Never overexerted at such places. If you overexerted, you will have problems in breathing and other health complications as well.


These are some common DOs and DON’Ts at high altitude places. However, these tips are not exhaustive. You are always advised to consult your doctor prior visiting such places. Wish you a happy and healthy vacation.

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