Cuckoos of Assam: 10 Beautiful Cuckoos Found in Assam

The Indian state of Assam is blessed with diverse flora and fauna. As per Government of Assam official website, the state is home to 950 species of birds. Out of those, cuckoos of Assam are some notable and fascinating bird species found in the state. Cuckoos are brood parasites. They lay eggs in the nests of other birds and the host bird looks after the chick of the cuckoo. This phenomenon is called “brood parasitism”.

Here is a random list of 10 cuckoos of Assam.

 Asian Emerald Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Asian Emerald Cuckoo (male)

Scientific Name: Chrysococcyx maculatus

Conservation Status: Least Concern as per International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red list.

Asian Emerald Cuckoo is a summer migrant to Assam. Its breeding range extends from the Himalayas eastwards to Myanmar, China and northern Thailand. Both the sexes of this brightly coloured small-sized cuckoo are different in look. It forages on the upper level of canopy where it feeds on caterpillars, ants and bugs.

Banded bay Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Banded bay Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Cacomantis sonneratii

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Banded Bay Cuckoo is a resident bird of the Indian subcontinent and southeast Asia. This cuckoo is found in the wooded forests of Assam. During the breeding season, the male bird sings repeatedly from an open perch of forest. This is one of the most widespread cuckoos of Assam and found in Kaziranga National Park, Manas National Park, Nameri National Park and all other woodlands of Assam.

Chestnut-winged Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Clamator coromandus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Chestnut-winged Cuckoo is a summer migrant to Assam. It breeds along the Himalayas including Assam and winters in southern Asia. This cuckoo species is usually seen singly; but sometimes it forages with mixed flocks. The natural habitat of this bird is lowland deciduous forest. This cuckoo comes to Garbhanga Reserve Forest and other lowland forests of Assam during the summer season.

Common Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Common Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Cuculus canorus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

This large cuckoo species is a summer migrant to Europe and Asia including Assam and winters in Africa. This bird is a brood parasite. That means, it lays eggs in other bird’s nests and the said host bird feeds and looks after the chick of the Common cuckoo. As per Wikipedia more than 100 host species of Common cuckoo have been recorded so far.

    Common-hawk Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Common-hawk Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Hierococcyx varius

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Common Hawk Cuckoo is a resident bird of the Indian subcontinent. Its appearance is similar to a Shikra. Therefore, the name of this group of cuckoos are named as Hawk cuckoo. This bird is a brood parasite and lays eggs in the nests of Babblers. The Common Hawk Cuckoo is one of the most widely distributed cuckoos of Assam.

Indian Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Indian Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Cuculus micropterus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Indian cuckoo is a medium sized cuckoo species found in the forests of Assam. This bird is known for its distinctive call which is heard everywhere in Assam during spring season. The Indian cuckoo feeds on insects, caterpillars and various fruits. This is one of the most easily found cuckoos of Assam.

  Jacobin Cuckoo or Pied Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Clamator jacobinus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

This medium-sized cuckoo is black and white with a crest. The habitats of this cuckoo are lowland and foothill open forests. Jacobin cuckoo is partially migratory in India. This cuckoo is also a brood parasite and its host is mainly babbler species.

Large-hawk Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Large-hawk Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Hierococcyx sparverioides

Conservation Status: Least Concern

This large cuckoo species is known for its loud and repetitive call which is almost similar to that of the Common-hawk Cuckoo. Like the other cuckoos, the Large-hawk cuckoo is also a brood parasite and its hosts are laughingthrushes and babblers. Some laughingthrushes can detect their eggs and removes them from the nest.

Plaintive Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Plaintive Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Cacomantis merulinus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Plaintive cuckoo is a small cuckoo species found in Assam which is known for its plaintive whistling call. This cuckoo feeds on insects, caterpillars and spiders. It inhabits forest edges, open woodlands, scrubs, grasslands and farmlands. This cuckoo is found in Dorabeel and all other similar habitats of Assam. Plaintive cuckoo is also a brood parasite and chooses cisticolas, prinias and tailorbirds as its hosts. This is one of the very common cuckoos of Assam.

Violet Cuckoo

Cuckoos of Assam
Violet Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

This cuckoo is found in northeastern India to southeast Asia. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical moist lowland. The male has glossy violet feathers on the head and the upper parts of the body. Violet cuckoo is insectivorous; but sometimes eats fruits. This is one of the rarest cuckoos of Assam. This cuckoo is found in the Garbhanga Reserve Forest of Assam.


This is a random list of cuckoos found in Assam. Although all these cuckoo species are enlisted as Least Concern in the Red list published by the IUCN, some of the species are facing threat due to their habitat loss. Therefore, everyone should join hands in protecting the habitats of these beautiful birds for the sake of balancing the ecosystem.


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