Brood Parasitism is a unique reproduction procedure which is seen in a wide variety of bird species around the globe. In brood parasitism, a particular species of bird lays eggs in the nests of a different species and the later takes care and feed the parasitic chick as its own.


Brood Parasitism

The cuckoos and Koels are well known example of brood parasitism. Cuckoos normally lay eggs in the nests of smaller songbirds. The host bird hatches the eggs and once the cuckoo chicks are born, they push the host eggs or chicks out of the nest thereby ensuring 100% care and protection from their host bird.


Brood Parasitism

Similarly, the Koels are also a well known example of brood parasitism. While the cuckoos are found in the entire world except Antarctica, the Koels are found only in Asia, Australia and the Pacific region. In India Asian Koels normally lay eggs in the nests of House Crow. The chicks of Asian Koel and House Crow are almost similar in appearance. Therefore, the intelligent bird like the house crow often gets misled and takes care of the chick of Asian Koel.

In India Asian Koel chicks are seen bringing up by varieties of other host birds including Sunbirds, Prinias and even Common Mynah.


While the cuckoos and Koels are the most famous brood parasites, there are some other brood parasites including honeyguides and some finch species.

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