Owls of Assam: 8 Beautiful Owl Species Found in Assam


Owls have been occupying a significant place in the minds of common people. They are mysterious. They are nocturnal birds of prey. But some owls are seen active in broad sunlight as well. There are more than 200 species of owls in the world, out of which here is a list of 8 common owls of Assam.

Except the polar ice caps and some remote islands, owls are found in every corner of the world. Owls feed on mostly small mammals, insects and other birds. Some species of owls feed on fishes. Owls have a binocular vision having their large eyes fixed in their eye socket. Therefore, they have to turn their heads to change the angle of view. Here is a list of 8 common owls of Assam, India.

1. Asian Barred Owlet

Owls of Assam
Asian Barred Owlet, Guwahati outskirt, Assam, India

Scientific Name: Glaucidium cuculoides

Conservation Status: Least Concern (IUCN)

This small owl is native to Indian subcontinent and some parts of Southeast Asia. This nocturnal bird is often seen in the broad daylight as well. They perch openly on branches and on electric wires. They are dark brown in color having bars on the entire body. Their habitat is forest land and large gardens. Generally, they feed on caterpillars, moths etc. This is one of the widespread birds of Assam.

2. Dusky Eagle Owl

Owls of Assam
Dusky Eagle Owl, Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India

Scientific Name: Ketupa coromandus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

A widely distributed owl in South and Southeast Asia. This big sized owl is grayish brown in color and their ears are long and prominent. This nocturnal bird has visibility in broad daylight too. They become active in cloudy weather during day time and after sunset. Their call is loud, vivid and weird. Dusky Eagle Owls breed in winter and they use abandoned nests of other birds. Their habitats are dense forest, wetland, and cultivated land near forest.

3. Spotted Owlet

Owls of Assam
Spotted Owlet, Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India

Scientific Name: Athene brama

Conservation Status: Least Concern (Population stable)

This small sized owl is a resident breeder of Assam, India. Its local name varies from place to place in Assam. The habitat of this bird is diversified from forests to human habitations including towns and cities. This is one of the common and widespread owls of Assam. Though they are nocturnal, often could be seen in broad daylight. They become more active during night time. In Assamese society there are some spiritual beliefs on the different calls of this owlet.

4. Short-eared Owl

Owls of Assam
Short-eared Owl, Manas National Park, Assam, India

Scientific Name: Asio flammeus

Conservation Status: Least Concern

This medium sized grassland owl is seen active during daytime than other species of owls. Its short ear tufts are normally not visible. But when it comes to a defensive mood, it displays the tufts prominently. This owl is seen flying lazily in search of prey in the open grasslands and paddy fields. This is one of the native owls of Assam.

5. Brown Boobook

Owls of Assam
Brown Boobook, Guwahati outskirt, Assam, India

Scientific Name: Ninox scutulata

Conservation Status: Least Concern

Brown Boobook is also known as Brow Hawk Owl. This owl is a resident breeder in South Asia including India. This medium sized owl has a hawk like shape with its long tail. Their eyes are large and yellow. Found in wide range of habitats including primary rainforests and orchards and gardens, Brown Boobook is also an inhabitant of human habitations.

6. Oriental Scops Owl

Owls of Assam
Oriental Scops Owl, Garbhanga Reserve Forest, Assam, India

Scientific Name: Otus sunia

Conservation Status: Least Concern

This small sized owl is found in eastern and southern Asia. This owl has also ear tufts, which are not prominent in all the times. With a variable plumage morph, this owl is widely distributed in the dry deciduous forests from Russia to Thailand.

7. Collared Scops Owl

Owls of Assam
Collared Scops Owl, Guwahati outskirt, Assam, India

Scientific Name: Otus lettia

Conservation Status: Least Concern

This is a resident breeder in South Asia. This bird with varied plumage morphs and prominent ear tufts, is partially migratory. They are found in open wooded habitats from lowlands to foothills, often found roosting in temples, abandoned houses and gardens. It nests in tree trunk holes. The Collared Scops Owl is among the most easily found owls of Assam.

8. Spot-bellied Eagle Owl

Owls of Assam
Spot-bellied Eagle Owl, Garbhanga Reserve Forest, Assam

Scientific Name: Ketupa nipalensis

Conservation Status: Least Concern

The Spot-bellied Eagle Owl is a large owl which is the sixth longest owl species in the world. This is a nocturnal bird and an expert predator. The call of this bird is strange and ghostly. The meaning of the Assamese name of this bird is ‘caller of the devil’. This is one of the forest living owls of Assam.

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3 thoughts on “Owls of Assam: 8 Beautiful Owl Species Found in Assam”

  1. Dada, nice information you shared and the real photos are amazing 👌
    (These types of information sharing posts in Assamese will be helpful, if possible 🙏)


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