Valentine’s Day 2023: 10 Best ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2023

Valentine’s Day, also called as Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated on 14th of February every year. This is not an official holiday in any country; but celebrated in the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Argentina, France, Mexico, South Korea and in many other countries of the world. In Philippines this day is the most common wedding anniversary day. Mass weddings of hundreds of couples are organized on this day in the country. Now a days, Valentine’s Day is celebrated globally as a Valentine’s Week starting from the 7th day of February till 14th February. Each day of the Week has a different significance. Starting from the Rose Day on 7th of February, the subsequent days are celebrated as Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day and Valentine’s Day on 14th February.

Valentine’s Day 2023
Valentine’s Day 2023

History of Valentine’s Day

It is believed that Valentine’s Day originates from the ancient Roman festival of Luparcalia which was celebrated for coming of Spring and pairing of women with men through lottery. Later on, this festival had become forbidden. But until 14th century, the celebration of Valentine’s Day did not purely a celebration of love and affection. The Day may have derived from the name of a priest who was martyred in 270 CE. The priest wrote a letter to the jailor’s daughter signing it as “from your Valentine”. Beliefs say that the priest healed his blindness. Another popular belief says that St. Valentine secretly married couples defying the emperor’s order. Therefore, his feast day is associated with love and the day is celebrated as a Day for expressing love and affection to each other. First commercial Valentine’s Day card was printed in the United States in mid 1800 century. Now it has become a tradition of exchanging cards, gifts, flowers and cakes between the partners on Valentine’s Day in the US and in other parts of the world. Many people arrange dinner at a romantic place to celebrate the day of love.

10 Best ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2023

1. Enjoy a romantic movie with your partner

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

Take a packet of popcorn and settle down on a couch with your partner. Enjoying a romantic movie with your loved one on this special day will fuel up your love and affection to each other.

2. Arrange a romantic dinner with your partner

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

A candle light dinner at a romantic place with your partner on this Valentine’s Day is one of the best ways to express how much you love and care him/her.

3. Take a bike ride

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

If the weather is nice enough, going for a bike ride on a deserted road with your partner is one of the best ideas to celebrate this special day.

4. Workout together

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

A healthy mind and a pure soul rest in a healthy body. Working out together with your partner means you care each other. Try it on this Valentine’s Day.

5. Take a hike

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

Even if it is unpleasant winter, consider hiking with your partner at a place you love and enjoy the natural beauty.

6. Play a game

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

Open your closet and pick a themed game and enjoy playing with your partner on this Valentine’s Day.

7. Go stargazing

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

Stargazing with necked eyes is awesome experience. Just go out to your backyard and enjoy stargazing with your loved one.

8. Make a scrapbook of your relationship

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

You may have some memorable moments with your partner. Make a scrapbook with your partner on this Valentine Day to preserve them on paper.

9. Go for a drive

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

No destination? Don’t worry. Just head out through a lonely road with your partner. This will help you to learn your partner in a deeper way.

10. Write love letters to each other

Valentine’s Day 2023
Image: Pixabay

Love letters are now an extinct concept. Rejuvenate your memories by writing love letters to your partner. If you have not done it before, try it on this special day.


Whatever you do on this Valentine’s Day, the first and foremost condition is that you are bound to enjoy on this Valentine’s Day with your loved one. Because it’s a special day for love birds to enjoy and express their love and affection to each other.

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